As winter approaches us in Ballarat, we at Spot on Pots and Nursery understand that not all plants look amazing through the cold months ahead. You, the customer, can get a few great bargains because we want to keep our nursery stocked only with plants looking their best.
Salvias, Argyrananthemum, Osteospermum, and Agastache, to name a few.
We know (and hope you do too) that all of these plants will be fine; they are just not looking their showiest during winter.
We have handpicked this selection that are 20% off until sold out.
We have evaluated our deciduous trees, 20% 30% and even 50% off selected trees.
There is nothing wrong with any of them; mostly, they have been marked down because they are lonely, with only 1 or 2 of the variety left in stock. Some have had a few too many birthdays with us and need a forever home; rather than a re-pot from us.
All deciduous fruit trees are 30% off to make way for new stock in bare-root season (fast approaching).
All water plants are 50% off.
Water plants hibernate in the cold ;) no-one wants to be fishing around in the bottom of ponds for water plants in winter so get them in now and simply wait for the sunshine.
All indoor plants are 30% off.
Sadly our shed is not suitable over winter. We cannot keep the consistent temperature required to keep these warm, loving plants happy.
Remember, all indoor plants are actually outdoor plants native to tropical climates that we choose to grow inside.
On sale until all sold.